Senin, 10 November 2008

Question Review Chapter 1-3

Question Review Chapter 1

2. Digital economy is the new economy which is based on digital technology.
The major characteristic of the digital economy:

• Globalization
• Digital Systems
• Speed
• Information Overload
• Markets
• Digization
• Business models & Processes
• Inovation
• Obsolence
• Opportunities
• Fraud
• Wars
• Organizations

4. Major component in the business environment impactmodel:
• business environment
• Mission goals strategy plans
• Problems pressures opportunities
• Actual measureable performance
• Our company

6. Major pressures in the business environment:
• Societal
• Legal
• Political
• Technological
• Economic(market)

8. Information technology (IT): the collection of computing systems used by an
organizations which is to describe an organizations collection of information systems,
their users, and the management oversees them.
Information systems: the systems is used collects, processes, stores analyzes, and disseminates information for a specific purpose and also includes people, procedures and physical facilities and it operates within an environment.

10. the steps in the process of becoming an adaptive enterprise:
• Recognize the environmental and organizational changes as quickly as they occur , or even before they occur
• Deals with changes properly and correctly
• Becomes a digital and agile enterprise
• Does not wait for your competitor to introduce change
• Changes your information systems quickly
• Follows as many as needed of the specific activities

12. Mobile computing: the mobility revoluting which using wireless hardware ang applications to compute anywhere

14. representative general technology development:
• The cost-performance advantage of computers over manual will increase
• Graphical and other usher-friendly interface will dominate PC
• Storage capacity will increase dramatically

16. the reasons for learning about IT:
• In the entire organization and in interoganizational settings as well with IT
• With IT will enable you to having a comfort level in many ways

18. mass customization is the changing from mass production by manufacturing processes. In mass customization, items are produced in a large quantity but are customized to fit the desires of each customer.

Question review chapter 2

2. transaction processing systems (TPS): the systems which supports the monitoring, collection, storage, processing, and dissemination of the organizations basic business transaction.

4. (KMSs) refer to the use of modern information technologies (e.g. the Internet, intranets, extranets, Lotus-Notes, Software filters, Agents, Data Warehouses) to systematize, enhance, and expedite intra- and inter-firm knowledge management

6. the information systems have the major functional for organized around the traditional departments in a company, these are: accounting, finance, productions/operations, marketing and sales, and human resources management.

8. information architecture is the information which provides the conceptual foundation for building, the information infrastructure and specific applications.

10. web based systems refers to those applications or services that are resident on a server that is accessible using a web browser and is therefore accessible from anywhere in the world via the web.

12. mobile commerce is the basic e commerce or e business done in a wireless environment

14. Virtualization or virtualization computing is a new concept that has several meanings in information technology and therefore several definitions.

16. if mainframe centrally, but if distributed environment will distributed

18. client/server systems is networking among themselves and are connected to data bases and other devices (the servers) that provides to service client computer.

20. staff supports, people who create information and knowledge as part of their work and integrate it into the business

22. self cotained, self describing business and consumers modular applications, delivered over the internet, that users can select and combine through almost any device, ranging from personal computers to mobile phones

Question Review Chapter 3

2. some of the major data problems :
• Incorrect data (bad data entry)
• Redundant data (poor database design)
• Stolen data (poor security)
• Irrelevant data (wrong data collected)
• Missing data (requireddata never exited)

4. the data cycle begins with the acqustion of data from data sources.
Data sources can be classified as internal, personal, external three of type data sources data will stored in to data warehouse
• Then the data are preprocessed to fit the format of a data warehouse or data marts, where they are stored.
• Users then acces the warehouse or data mart and take a copy of the needed

6. data quality is an extremely important issue since quality determines the data’s usefulness as well as the quality of the decisions based on the data.

8. a computer system organizes data in a hierarchy that begins with bits, and procceds to bytes, fields, records, files and database.
• A bit represent the smallest unit of data a computer can procces
• A group of eight bits, called a byte, represent a single character, which can be a letter, a number, or symbol.
• A logical grouping of characters into a word, a group of word, or a complete number is called a field.
• A logical group of related fields, such as customers name product sold and hours worked, are examples of a record.
• A logical group of related records is called a file.
• A logical group of related files would constitute a database.

10. Historically, data management has been geared to supporting transaction processing by organizing the data in a hierarchical format in one location. This format supports secured and efficient high-volume processing; however, it may be inefficient for queries and other ad-hoc applications. Therefore, relational databases, based on organization of data in rows and columns, were added to facilitate end-user computing and decision support.

12. The difference between the conceptual, logical, and physical views of data
The conceptual data model is the highest level for modeling organizational data,
The logical model is detailed view of data, breaking down high-level entities into manageable data entities (e.g., customer data into product preferences, customer contact, shop locations and product sales).
The physical model is the database tables with relationships and primary keys. Each detailed entity in the logical view becomes a database table in the physical model.

14. the benefit using a DBMS (database management systems)
• Persistence. Attribute are permanently stored on a hard drive or other fast, reliable medium until explicitly removed or changed.
• Query ability. Querying in the process of requesting attribute information from various perspectives. examples: ”How many 2-door cars in Texas are green?”
• Concurrency. Many people may want to change or read the same attributes at the same time. Without organized, predetermined rules for sharing changes, the attributes may become inconsistent or misleading. For example, if you change the color attribute of car 7 to be “blue” at the very same time somebody is changing it to “red,” results the unpredictable. DBMSs provide various tools and techniques to deal with such issues. “Transactions” and “Locking” are two common techniques for concurrency management.
• Backup and replication. Backup copies of attributes need to be made in case primary disk a or other equipment fail. A periodic copy of attributes may also be created for a distance organization that cannot readily access the original. DBMSs usually provide utilities for backups and duplicate copies.
• Rule Enforcement. Often one wants to apply rules to attributes so that the attribute are clean and reliable. For example, we may have a rule that says each car can have only on engine associated with it (identified by Engine Number). If somebody tries to associate a second engine with a given car, we want the DBMS to deny such request and display an error message. However, with the new technology such as hybrid gas electric cars, such rules may need to be relaxed. Ideally such rules should be able to be added and removed as needed without significant data layout redesign.
• Security. Limits on who can see or change attributes are necessary
• Computation. Common computations requested on attributes are counting, summing, averaging, sorting, grouping, cross-referencing, etc. Rather than have each computer application implement these from scratch, they can rely on the DBMS to supply such calculations
• Change and access logging. Often one wants to know who accessed what attributes, what was changed, and when it was changed. Logging services allow this by keeping a record of access occurrences and changes.
• Automated optimization. If there are frequently occurring are usage patterns or request, many DBMSs can adjust themselves to improve the speed of those interactions. In some cases the DBMSs will merely provide tools to monitor performance, allowing a human expert to make the necessary adjustments after reviewing the statistics collected.
16. data warehouse is a repository of data thata are organized to be readily acceptable for analytical processing activities ( such as data mining, decision support, quarying and other applications). Examples are revenue management, customer-relationship management, fraud detection, and payroll-management applications.
18. Marketing transaction database is:
• The new kind database, oriented toward targeting the personalizing marketing messages in real time.
• The most effective database of capturing information on customer preferences and needs.

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Teknologi Informasi

Teknologi Informasi adalah suatu teknologi yang digunakan untuk mengolah data, termasuk memproses, mendapatkan, menyusun, menyimpan, memanipulasi data dalam berbagai cara untuk menghasilkan informasi yang berkualitas, yaitu informasi yang relevan, akurat dan tepat waktu, yang digunakan untuk keperluan pribadi, bisnis, dan pemerintahan dan merupakan informasi yang strategis untuk pengambilan keputusan. Teknologi ini menggunakan seperangkat komputer untuk mengolah data, sistem jaringan untuk menghubungkan satu komputer dengan komputer yang lainnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan, dan teknologi telekomunikasi digunakan agar data dapat disebar dan diakses secara global.
Peran yang dapat diberikan oleh aplikasi teknologi informasi ini adalah mendapatkan informasi untuk kehidupan pribadi seperti informasi tentang kesehatan, hobi, rekreasi, dan rohani. Kemudian untuk profesi seperti sains, teknologi, perdagangan, berita bisnis, dan asosiasi profesi. Sarana kerjasama antara pribadi atau kelompok yang satu dengan pribadi atau kelompok yang lainnya tanpa mengenal batas jarak dan waktu, negara, ras, kelas ekonomi, ideologi atau faktor lainnya yang dapat menghambat bertukar pikiran.
Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi memacu suatu cara baru dalam kehidupan, dari kehidupan dimulai sampai dengan berakhir, kehidupan seperti ini dikenal dengan e-life, artinya kehidupan ini sudah dipengaruhi oleh berbagai kebutuhan secara elektronik. Dan sekarang ini sedang semarak dengan berbagai huruf yang dimulai dengan awalan e
seperti e-commerce, e-government, e-education, e-library, e-journal, e-medicine, e-laboratory, e-biodiversitiy, dan yang lainnya lagi yang berbasis elektronika